Friday, June 11, 2010

الخريطة الذهنية لملخص الرسالة التدمرية A Mind-Map Summary of Aqidah at-Tadmuriyyah

A Mind-Map Summary of Aqidah at-Tadmuriyyah of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
Tuesday, December 01 2009 - by Aqidah.Com
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This is a summary of the the book pertaining to al-Asmaa' was-Sifaat and al-Qadaa wal-qadar. "Taqreeb ut-Tadmuriyyah" of Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen has been relied upon. This is more useful to those who have already studied the book, and it serves as a memory, revision aid, or a checklist, however its also useful for someone who would like to get an overall feel of what the book covers and it would help them to structure their study of the book. The maps contain more or less all the details and points in the book.
The first two parts deal with the Names and Attributes (al-Asmaa was-Sifaat). The remaining parts deal with the Divine Decree (al-Qadaa wal-qadar).
  • View Part 1: The Introduction, Two Foundations, and Two Examples
  • View Part 2: The Seven Rules
  • View Part 3: al-Qadr and ash-Shar' (the Divine Decree and the Divine Legislation)
  • View Part 4: al-Qadr and ash-Shar': Using al-Qadr To Argue Against as-Shar'
  • View Part 5: What is Ash-Shar` (the Divine Legislation)
  • View Part 6: al-Fanaa and the Two Principles of al-Amr and the Two Principles of al-Qadr

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